Our way of thinking about our responsibility
We believe good taste is more than just the culinary experience in itself. It is also equally about taking responsibility for people and the environment.
Only the best is good enough and we never compromise on taste. This is our promise to you. It is also natural for us to integrate sustainability thinking into everything we do. Our continued success is based on the well-being of the environment and the people in our value chain. Our business is strongly tied to raw materials that come from all over the world. Therefore our responsibility extends from the fields where our raw materials grow all the way to your kitchen.
We recognise that modern slavery including forced or compulsory labour, slavery, servitude, human trafficking and child labour is always a concern when operating in a global environment and we have zero tolerance regarding it. We recognize that our biggest exposure to modern slavery is in our supply chains. We are committed to enhancing social responsibility through raw material purchases, due diligence procedures and capacity building in the supply chain. Read our full Modern Slavery Statement here.
Read more about Paulig's approach to Sustainability
Our way of thinking…
Santa Maria UK Ltd ∙ Nimbus House, Maidstone Road ∙ Kingston, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK10 0BD ∙ Telephone numbers: UK careline: 01908 933109 ∙ ROI: 1800 577 449