Climate and energy
We need a stable and predictable climate to be able to grow the raw materials for our products. At the same time, food production worldwide is responsible for a large share of the total emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Therefore, it is natural that the climate issue is present in everything we do; both in the development of our own business and in the cooperation with our supplier and customers.
Halving carbon emissions by 2020
Our target is to cut the greenhouse gas emissions from our factories, warehouses and offices by half by 2020 compared with 2015. Our previous target to achieve a halving of our emissions by 2020, compared with 2012 was achieved already in 2015, five years ahead of schedule. Therefore, we decided in 2016 to further halve emissions by 2020, but this time with 2015 as baseline year. We will achieve this target by reducing our energy consumption in various ways and by increasing the use of renewable energy. When it is time to replace equipment, we will ensure that we choose more energy-efficient alternatives. For our operations in Sweden, we use district heating from renewable sources, and starting from 2016 we use 100 per cent renewable electricity in our operations Sweden, Estonia and UK. We also climate offset the remaining emissions by supporting three projects that contributes to the development of renewable energy in India.
Reducing transportation emissions
We are constantly working on improving the efficiency of our freight transport, thus reducing emissions. This is important for us as we get our raw materials from virtually all over the world and sell our products in more than 25 countries. Therefore we cooperate with both suppliers and customers to ensure that we always have full transport loads as far as possible. We also set requirements for our suppliers to actively reduce their climate impact, including lower energy consumption.
Reducing the climate impact from consumption and in supply chain
We want to inspire our consumers to reduce their carbon footprint from the food they eat. Eating vegetarian food is a good way to reduce your own carbon footprint. Therefore, our goal is that 20% of our recipes on the website should be vegetarian in 2020. We are well on the way and here you will find all our vegetarian recipes.
We also set requirements for our suppliers to actively reduce their climate impact, including lower energy consumption. Read more about our responsible purchasing.
Santa Maria UK Ltd ∙ Nimbus House, Maidstone Road ∙ Kingston, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK10 0BD ∙ Telephone numbers: UK careline: 01908 933109 ∙ ROI: 1800 577 449