Crisp cinnamon chips with creamy mascarpone dip

Crisp cinnamon chips with creamy mascarpone dip

  • 10 Mins
  • 10 Mins
  • 7 Ingredients
  • Mild

Fry tortilla bread with cinnamon and sugar for tonight's snacks! The cinnamon chips will be sweet and crunchy. Serve with a creamy dip made from mascarpone cheese, crunchy pecans and maple syrup. Add some fresh fruit to it!

What to shop

Serves {0} portions
100 g strösocker
2 tbsp Santa Maria Kanel malen, småpåse
0.5 packet Santa Maria Tortilla Original Medium (8 pack)
250 g mascarpone
1 tbsp maple syrup
25 g pecan
fresh fruit

How to prepare

Cinnamon chips

  1. Mix sugar and cinnamon on a large plate.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan. Divide the tortillas into 8 pieces each and fry them golden brown.
  3. Place the tortilla pieces on the plate with the cinnamon and sugar. Mix well while they are hot.
  4. Allow the chips to cool before serving.

Mascarpone dip

  1. Coarsely chop the pecans.
  2. Mix mascarpone cheese with maple syrup and pecans.

Serve the cinnamon chips on a large plate together with the mascarpone dip and fresh fruit!